
Perfect Life

There's so many concepts of what life should be, these days. What makes people happy, and what doesn't. It's all around you! Advertisement when you go to the store, on signs, on the t.v.,  when you listen to the radio, movies, magazines, books, music, and so much more! The media tells us how our lives SHOULD be, or how we should want them anyway. To the world, a perfect life is played out like this; be beautiful, be rich, do anything you want, have life handed to you, and so on. There are many things that society tells us to do, or what family persuades us to do, "get into business, or get into college. Do you want to be a burger flipper?" To shorten things up, people are dream killers. Life can be extraordinary, or the worst thing you'll ever have on your plate. Why does life have to be so cut and dry? It doesn't, because it's your life, and you can do anything you please. As long as what you please isn't terrible. It's like the saying, "freedom is free, until it isn't." I wish that school would teach people about life, and it does in a way...it teaches us that life sucks, unless you're involved. So get involved in life! Someone needs to teach people coping skills, because that really would have helped if I knew that earlier in life. We just need the determination and will power to continue life with a smile and laughter in our souls. Listen to this song for motivation, it sure helps me when I'm not feeling good. 

What is a perfect life, in the eyes of Emily? A large house, to fill up with kids (and so my mom could visit), a giant yard, for gardening and hide and go seek, a room for art, writing, reading and so much more, and a place where it wasn't so dry. A husband to smile at me, when I looked into his eyes. To have children, so I could teach them what I know. Friends, to share my crazy stories with. A world where there was time in a day for sky gazing, and star staring. I don't really ask much out of my life, and it isn't unobtainable, so I'll have that perfect life one day. I know it will have fights and yelling, because that's just how life is.


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