
What if we lived?

What if we for every text, there was a prayer said?
What if for every tear, was a person waiting to dry each tear?
What if we forgave, instead of gossiping?
What if we left the past, and lived for today?
What if you had a list of things to do before today ends, instead of a bucket list?
What if you followed your heart, instead of your mind?
What if we loved more than we hated?
What if you dropped everything right now, to say every word dying to be said?
What if you let yourself feel, instead of bottling it all up?
What if you thought of others, before saying words that can't be unsaid?

There are many "what if's" in life...but instead of thinking of all the what if's, we should think of them all as "why not"? Why are there not more people taking chances, and shooting for their dreams? Why are we all so worried about our feelings getting hurt? I think that life is like a sport, if you spend your whole life on the bench, you'll never have the chance to make that shot or to save the game. So, get up and prove you can do something more! I believe in the world, the people that inhabit it simply need to start believing in themselves. If we pushed ourselves to our dreams, I believe the world would be a better place. It would be even better if we were mindful of those around us.

Life is about choosing. Choosing to see things differently, whether it's for the better or not. The choice to be a better version of yourself, or the worst. Having the opportunity to change things around, each and everyday. The choice to live the extraordinary life. Having the decision to be happy is the greatest of all. Just let yourself be happy, your body and mind will thank you immediately. Nothing should keep you from joy. Let things go, and choose to forgive others...especially yourself.



Changing World

Life is as good as you make it...but walking away shouldn't even be an option. What is happening to the world? When the world is so sick that a father won't even acknowledge his daughter, parents kicking out their children, or countless parents walking out on families?! Everyone just needs to grow some courage!  People just need to man/woman up to the life they created. I may have been the one that walked out, when I turned 18...but at least I left a special place for my dad. I'm even sending him a Father's Day card (despite all the hours of crying over the power of a abuse he had over me, for all those years). I walked out, because I had courage to find a better life for me. Not, because I was a coward and couldn't raise a sword to the dragon my dad made himself to be. My dad may have won the war, but he didn't win my life.

Life is how you see it
Life is how you make it
Life is how you overcome
Life is how you survive
Life is how you smile
Life is how you laugh
Life is how you love
Life is how you live

So, choose a better life...than the one you lived the day before. Choose to smile through the tears. To laugh through all the anguish. To hug out all the pain. To open up when things are okay, and especially when they're not. Share your life, share your voice, and share the love. You never know when you could change a life, especially if it's your own. You never know if tonight...you'll fall asleep and never wake again. So, are you proud of how you ended today? If not, strive to make a change tomorrow. A nibble is okay...because that's how you eat elephants.



Letter to a soldier

I wrote a letter today to USO and this is what it said ...

To whomever reads this,

It is a great service that you are doing for me and this country. I'm not very good at writing letters...so here's a poem.

Off to war you go, not really knowing what will come ahead.
Gambling your lives and knowing you could come home dead.

Leaving a war behind, the battle of your lives, family and friends.
Being social, fitting in and maybe even following all the trends.

Now wearing matching clothes, representing respect and more.
Children looking to you, you men and women are who they adore.

Punched out like coins, all shiny and new...full of something.
This something is value, and it's worth more than a gold ring.

Of course, unless that gold ring is for your forever loved spouse.
Loud like a lion, you'll roar. Swift and quick like a little mouse.

But nothing is little about a soldier, the people we look up to.
For courage, strength, knowledge. Because you're really coo' (cool).

Most of all, you bring us hope. Hope for change in all man-kind.
I hope you make changes, and happiness I pray you will find.

Sincerely (a strange 18-year old girl),

Emily Long

I'll soon, through collaboration of my school, be showing this oppurtunity to the students in Fowler. I want this to go from Preschool all the way through the senior class. I also want to get a hold of the Fowler Tribune to hopefully have more people write the soldiers letters. If you want to write them a letter go to one of these links.




Where does motivation originate? Better yet...where does it strive? My whole life has been built off of motivation. Motivation to get out of bed, one more time. Motivation to walk to school, one more day. Motivation to get up, after falling too far. Motivation to live, just one more hour. This motivation may be difficult to start, but once you start...it seems like everything else falls into place. Going to school, especially on the days you didn't want to, led me to a two months before graduating. Getting out of bed helped me to meet people I will remember forever. Getting up, after strife, built courage, strength and respect. Living just one hour led to another hour, leading to a day...a week...a year, and finally today. It all led to me writing this post, the motivation to say something. Knowing that maybe I won't be heard, or understood. The point is, have the motivation...the courage...the desire to do more. We live in a life of adults and peers that tell us we can't.  What would have happened if Walt Disney listened to people who told him he couldn't? What about Albert Einstein, George Washington, or even Martin Luther King, Jr.? Every man and woman that gave up, could have been used for the progression of mankind. The people who had the motivation and courage to fulfill their dreams, those are the people history remembers. Those are the people kids learn about in school, admire and hope to become.

Dare to dream! To live! To be! Begin a new life, the life you want to live. Take that chance with that crush, the job you want, the life you want to live. Go somewhere new, dream, and be that. Count your blessings, thank your parents and friends for being with you through thick and thin. You can make your life amazing, without even living...if you just see it through new eyes. Open your eyes to the innocent, to happiness and love. Help those who need it, or just live life how you want. If you bring goodness into the world, the world will bring goodness back to you. Just remember that every life has a lesson to learn, the easy way...or the hard way. Terrible things happen so that we can learn a lesson, or learn to cope. Learn to let things go and forgive. Throw away all your blame...and just learn that everything happens for a reason. Give life a good reason to remember you, and begin something new.



Goodbye Dad

Mankind may have fallen from the transgression of Adam...but we aren't judged because of his transgression. I have fallen because of my father shoving me to the ground in the past, but I'm ending with a kind word. I will be the better person, because he forgot how to. I will not be judged for what he has done. I will not fall, because he has fallen. I will not judge him for what he has done. I will love him, for as long as I live. I will forgive him always. Sadly, I will never trust him again...and I will not have him part of my life, because he has poisoned my mind for too long.

Three days...what would you do, if you knew you would say goodbye to one of your parents in three days? (Not three days from now, but only three days of seeing them). All I can think about, is my blanket and teddy bear. Those two items are the last two things, that I care about anymore. The bear has my countless tears, wasted over my dad, and the blanket was a something my mom and  I had made together.

It may be a goodbye, for now, but maybe someday...we'll fix things again. I love him, but things are too personal and up-close. I'm his child, but I'm not his property. I'm his daughter, but that doesn't give him right to have hurt me all those years. Despite all that, I still love him. When I'll leave, I know I'll leave with a broken heart. If he reads this, which I hope he does, I know he will use these words against me (somehow, someway), as he always has.

As this chapter comes to a close, another one will begin. Exciting, will the world be as it unfolds just for me. Every sun will rise, and set, for me. Every breath will be remembered. I'll let things go, so I will be able to pick up something worth holding onto. I just wish he could have been that something worth holding onto, maybe someday he will...and maybe someday I will marry a man that will look me in the eyes and say "I love you Emily". I pray that I will feel that love, as he says those words and even when he doesn't. Most of all, I pray that he will love me just the way I am.