
What if we lived?

What if we for every text, there was a prayer said?
What if for every tear, was a person waiting to dry each tear?
What if we forgave, instead of gossiping?
What if we left the past, and lived for today?
What if you had a list of things to do before today ends, instead of a bucket list?
What if you followed your heart, instead of your mind?
What if we loved more than we hated?
What if you dropped everything right now, to say every word dying to be said?
What if you let yourself feel, instead of bottling it all up?
What if you thought of others, before saying words that can't be unsaid?

There are many "what if's" in life...but instead of thinking of all the what if's, we should think of them all as "why not"? Why are there not more people taking chances, and shooting for their dreams? Why are we all so worried about our feelings getting hurt? I think that life is like a sport, if you spend your whole life on the bench, you'll never have the chance to make that shot or to save the game. So, get up and prove you can do something more! I believe in the world, the people that inhabit it simply need to start believing in themselves. If we pushed ourselves to our dreams, I believe the world would be a better place. It would be even better if we were mindful of those around us.

Life is about choosing. Choosing to see things differently, whether it's for the better or not. The choice to be a better version of yourself, or the worst. Having the opportunity to change things around, each and everyday. The choice to live the extraordinary life. Having the decision to be happy is the greatest of all. Just let yourself be happy, your body and mind will thank you immediately. Nothing should keep you from joy. Let things go, and choose to forgive others...especially yourself.


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