
Changing World

Life is as good as you make it...but walking away shouldn't even be an option. What is happening to the world? When the world is so sick that a father won't even acknowledge his daughter, parents kicking out their children, or countless parents walking out on families?! Everyone just needs to grow some courage!  People just need to man/woman up to the life they created. I may have been the one that walked out, when I turned 18...but at least I left a special place for my dad. I'm even sending him a Father's Day card (despite all the hours of crying over the power of a abuse he had over me, for all those years). I walked out, because I had courage to find a better life for me. Not, because I was a coward and couldn't raise a sword to the dragon my dad made himself to be. My dad may have won the war, but he didn't win my life.

Life is how you see it
Life is how you make it
Life is how you overcome
Life is how you survive
Life is how you smile
Life is how you laugh
Life is how you love
Life is how you live

So, choose a better life...than the one you lived the day before. Choose to smile through the tears. To laugh through all the anguish. To hug out all the pain. To open up when things are okay, and especially when they're not. Share your life, share your voice, and share the love. You never know when you could change a life, especially if it's your own. You never know if tonight...you'll fall asleep and never wake again. So, are you proud of how you ended today? If not, strive to make a change tomorrow. A nibble is okay...because that's how you eat elephants.